The purpose of this lab exercise was to develop skills in image enhancement and
pre-processing techniques as well as the methods for delineation of areas of
interest. This was achieved by sub-setting images through use of inquiry boxes
and area of interest tools, altering spatial resolution of images for ease of
interpretation and analysis, enhancing radiometric quality of images, linking
Google Earth and Erdas 2013 viewers in order to understand features with the
use of Google Earth as a selective interpretation key, and applying re-sampling methods.
Using inquiry box tools and the delineation of areas of interests in a shapefile, I created smaller subsets from satellite images. To enhance the spatial resolution of satellite images, I pan-sharpened the image using resolution merge. For further understanding of image enhancement for analysis purposes, I resampled up by first using the nearest neighbor method and then using the bilinear interpolation method and increased spatial resolution by reducing pixel size from 30m x 30m to 20m x 20m. I used radiometric enhancement to reduce haze on another image using the "haze reduction" tool on Erdas 2013.
Pansharpened Image with Resolution Merging
Original image is displayed on the left; pansharpened image is displayed on the right
Resampled Images Using Different Methods
Resampled images using nearest neighbor (top right) and bilinear interpolation (bottom right). The original image is displayed on the left.
Haze Reduction via Radiometric Tools
Original image (left), Reduced haze image (right).
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